No enterprise or office building can function without telephony, computers, data networks, often without video surveillance. Uninterrupted operation of all this equipment is provided by a competently organized cable system. Like the cardiovascular system of the human body, SCS serves and supports the work of all the "bodies" of the room or the whole building.
NIKOMAX SCS - Since 2003 our specialists are constantly working to improve the quality of products. Accordingly, the range is growing, the choice of cables, tools and other equipment is increasing, their characteristics are increasing.
SCS, like IT in general, is not the simplest sphere of activity, requiring professional training, extensive experience and relevant knowledge not only in design and installation, but also in products that are embedded in the project. And the trend towards substitution of imbedded in view of the protracted crisis in some cases imposes certain limitations in working with large projects.
Focusing on market requests, we have prepared for you a completely new learning system based on NIKOMAX SCS components.
Who are the NIKOMAX SCS training courses for ?
- • For engineers, installers, designers, technical specialists involved in the design, installation and certification of SCS
- • For project managers and sales managers who need fresh and complete information on equipment