To show you why it's not a very good idea, let's go through an example.

Let's say you bought the best software on the market and at the same time bought a slow computer.

What's gonna happen you might ask? Well, it's pretty simple – your software will not be operated at full capacity or will not work at all. Hence, money spent on software will be thrown down the drain!

If the main objective for this equipment is just typing text in, for instance, Microsoft Word, then there's no sense in buying such expensive computers – everything should have its own purpose.

The same deal with a Structured Cabling System. Imagine that you spent a lot of money on modern, high-quality software, bought a powerful computer, active network equipment of famous brands e.t.c. But, at the same time, you have an awful overall cabling system.

By "awful cabling system," I mean the violation of basic standards and principles of the SCS. For example, the violation of such a principle as "universality" can lead to a significant malfunctions of the SCS. Even if you buy high-quality equipment, you must be sure that all that stuff will be compatible with each other. Otherwise, it simply won't work together - no matter how powerful and expensive it is.

Also, an important part is played by the SCS installation process itself – usually specialists can deal with it better. Otherwise, you can get incorrect cable handling, which will lead to inconvenience in maintenance and even to a general breakdown of the whole network!

In this case, the whole system will malfunction within the entire period of service life. One should remember that it is crucial not to forget this simple principle because its price may be too high.

On the other hand, the excellent quality SCS usually occupies approximately 7% of a new business's budget, including installation costs. Moreover, the lifespan of proper built SCS is about 15-17 years, and with our system warranty, we exceed this period much more – up to 25 years, which is almost in a match with the average lifespan of a building frame.